Adding attachments to action emails in Spectora allows you to include important documents, resources, or additional information directly in your communication with clients and agents. Whether it’s a pre-inspection notice, a detailed checklist, or any other file, attaching documents to your action emails ensures that recipients have all the necessary information at their fingertips.
In this article, we'll walk you through how to easily add attachments to your action emails, enhancing the value and effectiveness of your automated communications.
Creating Attachments for Emails
In this section, we'll walk through how to create attachments for your Actions emails.
Click "Actions"
Click on an actions group to open it
Click the "Details" box to the right of the email you want to edit
Click "Set up attachments here"
Click "Add Email Attachment"
Enter a name for your attachment (this is a client-facing name)
Click "File" to select your document from your computer files
Once you've selected your file, click "Save"
Adding Attachments to Your Action Emails
In this section, we'll show you how to add the created attachments to your emails.
Click "Actions"
Click on an actions group to open it
Click the "Details" box to the right of the email you want to edit
Click the "Attachments" box to open a dropdown menu
Select which attachments you would like on the email by checking the box to the left of the attachment name
Once you've selected your attachments, click "Save"
🔴 Keep in mind the maximum file size for attachments in action emails is 30MB.
If you have any questions or feedback, write into our chat bubble or email!