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Data Exports

Keywords: data exports, data reports, produce data report, produce report that contains any inspection that includes radon, generate report

Stephanie Woodward avatar
Written by Stephanie Woodward
Updated over a week ago

Are you interested in viewing the total revenue generated in a specific year? Perhaps you're searching for the overall fees or subscription costs that were paid. Maybe you're curious about the number of miles you've tracked. Or need to produce a report that includes any inspection containing a specific service, like radon testing?

If that's the case, you'll be delighted to know that our Data exports contain a wealth of information for you to explore!

Spectora’s Data Exports feature allows you to filter and export detailed data on your inspections, making it easy to find exactly what you're looking for. Whether you want to track inspections that include radon testing or analyze other specific services, this feature provides a customizable way to export the data you need.

In this article, we’ll show you how to use Data Exports to efficiently pull information from your Spectora account.

How to Find Your Data Exports

To access your Data Exports page, follow the steps provided below. Once you reach the page, you can choose the specific export from which you want to retrieve information.

🔴 Note: If the option is not visible to you, may not have the necessary permissions. In this case, we recommend reaching out to your company administrator to enable the financial permission under the teams setting.

💡Quick tip: Click on the video above to expand it in another window.

  1. Click on the drop-down menu in the top right of your dashboard.

  2. Select "Data Exports."

  3. Click the blue link below the export you would like to view.

✨ Please access the drop-down menus below to locate information on each of our available exports.

Inspection Data

We highly recommend utilizing the Inspection Data Export for the most comprehensive information on all inspections. This export includes all inspection details, contact details, addresses, services, fees, and more. Simply click on one of the available years to access this valuable data or take advantage of the custom export option mentioned below.

🔴 If you are an Advanced user, you can create custom data exports for your search to be more refined. Check out this article for more details.

Custom Export

The "Custom" option under the Inspection Data Export, offers a custom option that allows you to tailor your data export to your specific needs. You can easily filter by inspector and even include or exclude specific services, cities, states, or zip codes.

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Export Example


The "Charges" export function enables you to access a comprehensive breakdown of all fees that have been incurred for each year. This includes the name of the service, date of inspection, and address.

🔴 This export does include deleted inspections and canceled inspections

Export Example

Payments and Fees

Welcome to our "Payments and Fees" export feature! It's designed to make your life easier by providing you with a comprehensive view of all your received payments and processing fees. You'll have access to important details such as the date, inspection address, amount, payment type, fee, and more.

🔴 The payments and fees spreadsheet does not automatically output totals for fees. You’ll need to use the AutoSum function in Excel to calculate fee totals

Export Example

Unpaid/ Unsigned Inspections

The export for "Unpaid/ Unsigned Inspections" allows you to view inspections that have not yet been paid for or signed.

🔴 Please be advised that any pending ACH (bank transfers) payments will be designated as unpaid in the export until the payment has been settled.

Once you open the export, you can modify the date range by either manually entering a specific date in the "Start Date" and "End Date" calendar options or selecting from pre-set options like past week to next week, past 2 weeks to next 2 weeks, or past 30 days to next 30 days. Then, you can personalize the report by choosing to show both unpaid and unsigned, only unpaid, or just unsigned. After making those adjustments, hit the "Run Report" to update the results.

🔴 At the present moment, this export is not capable of being exported, but can only be viewed.

Export Example

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Mileage Export

Are you in need of a convenient way to track your mileage? Perhaps you require a mileage report for tax purposes or reimbursement? Our "Mileage Export" feature is here to help! With just a few clicks, you can easily find your mileage for the year.

🔴 For Spectora Advanced users - the mileage will be tracked for events as long as the inspection event is associated with an inspection.

Within the export, it will have the company's total mileage count. At the bottom of the export, you will see tabs for each inspector on your account. Within each of the inspector tabs, you can see the total mileage for that inspection as well as details from each address for the mileage data.

How Mileage is Tracked

The milage calculates from your "Starting address for driving directions" > inspection A > inspection B > back to "Starting address for driving directions"

You can edit the "Starting address for driving directions" by going to Settings > Dashboard Settings > updating the address in the field "Starting address for driving directions."

Export Example

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Subscription Fees

The "Subscription Fees" export will provide details on when the payment for a subscription was applied, the total amount including tax, a description of the service, the last four digits of the card used to pay, if any credits were used, and the transaction ID.

Export Example

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Agent Export

The export option for "Agents" enables you to see a list of all your agents, along with the total number of inspections they have participated in and the date of their most recent inspection.

🔴 This export does not include any deleted inspections.

Export Example

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External Scheduling Data

The "External Scheduling Data" Export is a document containing information about external inspection schedules. This export includes "UTM Codes," which are the codes that appear at the end of a URL when a specific campaign is run. These UTM codes can be used in Google Analytics or other marketing and web analytics services to track website traffic and user engagement.

🔴 This tracking must be conducted externally, as our software does not offer tracking capabilities. We solely provide the necessary codes.

Export Example

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can I view these exports if I don't have Excel?

    • If you do not have Microsoft Excel, you can use Google Sheets for free with a Google account!

  • I'm not seeing the type of report/export I want to create. Can I make my own export?

    • You sure can! If you have Advanced you can utilize Spectora's Custom Data Exports. You can create your own exports to track services by type, analyze inspection trends, track inspector performance, or manage client data. Click here to learn more!

  • Can I produce a report that contains any inspection that includes a specific service/add-on like radon?

    • With the base software, you could use the Inspection Data Export and then filter for just a specific service or add-on.

    • If you'd like to get more in-depth than that and be able to single out things like add-on services, you'd need Spectora Advanced.
      Click here to check out Advanced!

  • Is there a way I can look up all the inspections that I have performed with a specific referral source?

    • Yes, you can utilize the Inspection Data export for this!

    • The Inspection Data export includes a column for "referral source" - this means you will be able to filter that spreadsheet by the Referral Source column to view inspections based on the response in that column.

If you have any questions or feedback, write into our chat bubble or email!

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