We are happy to introduce Auto Tagging for Spectora Advanced! Expand your capabilities when it comes to scaling your business relationships by leveraging this new automation workflow and growing your revenue because of it!
For a full overview, check out this video from our Product Manager, Josh!
Auto-Tagging: Rules
As the next evolution to the power of contact tagging you can now use Auto Tagging based on rules you define. Check it out in the new tab in Contacts labeled Tag Manager.
Let's go over how to create rules for your auto-tags!
Add new tags or edit your current ones to add Auto Tagging rules to the individual tags:
If some of your tags don't need Auto Tagging rules that is fine too as they are not required for adding tags
Rules can apply to tagging Agents (generally or specifically as a Buyer's or Seller's Agent) or Clients
Rules can be based on Inspection Count, Inspection Revenue, or Days since the first or last inspections
Rules based on Inspection Count or Revenue can also include an optional time frame limitation
Rules can be combined to apply a tag
Auto Tagging can even remove tags based on failure of the defined rule
Tagging happens once a day (late at night/early morning) based on the info associated with the Agent/Client at that time
🔴 All contact tags will be converted to lowercase to avoid issues with case sensitivity.
If you have any questions or feedback, write into our chat bubble or email support@spectora.com!