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Common Contact Tags

Keywords: contact tags, tags, contacts, commonly used tags

Jess Flake avatar
Written by Jess Flake
Updated over 11 months ago

Contact tags are a helpful tool that allows you to keep track of your agents and how they can grow your business. By adding a tag to your agents, you can easily see who the top-producing agents are or who the newest agents are. These tags can then be used to help you build custom Actions.

Static Tags

A static tag is a tag that is not expected to change or move. In the context of your contacts, these would be tags that will always apply to that person. For example, a VIP agent is most likely going to continue being a VIP. Or you might have a vendor or broker that you and your clients work with regularly. For these types of contacts, you can create a basic static tag.

How to Create a Static Tag

💡 Quick tip: Click on the video above to expand it in another window.

  1. Click "Contacts"

  2. Click "Tags Manager"

  3. Click "+Add Tag"

  4. Enter the name of your tag

  5. Choose a color for your tag

  6. Click "Save"

How to Apply a Tag to a Contact

💡 Quick tip: Click on the video above to expand it in another window.

  1. Click "Contacts"

  2. Click the arrow on the right of the agent you want to tag

  3. Click "Edit" in the dropdown menu

  4. Click the box below "Tags" to open a dropdown menu

  5. Click on the tag from the menu

  6. Click "Save"

  7. You'll see the newly applied tag on the agent's contact

Common Static Tags

VIP Agent

The "VIP Agent" tag is probably the most widely used tag by our inspectors. This helps you keep track of which agents should receive the utmost care and most likely bring in the most business for you.


You may have brokers that you work with regularly. You can create a tag specifically for your brokers to tag them as such.


Same as your brokers, you may want to differentiate the investors you work with. You can create a tag for them as well.


You can create a tag specifically for your vendors like the example below.

Likes Certain Inspector

You may have an agent who prefers to work with a specific inspector. You can create a tag for this too!

Auto Tags

With our auto-tagging feature, you can enhance your ability to scale your business connections by utilizing this new automated process and increasing your profits as a result!

Check out this video from our Product Manager, Josh, to see how Auto Tagging works:

Common Auto Tags

Top Producer

Your top-producing agents are most likely the ones bringing in the most revenue. You can create a tag like the example below based on the amount of revenue they've brought in within a certain time frame.

Heating up (Agent)

You might have a relatively new agent that's really starting to bring in a lot of business for you. It might be beneficial to keep an eye on this agent to build the relationship or maybe even offer a discount to their clients. The example below shows how to create a tag based on the number of inspections the agent has done.


As the industry changes throughout the year, you might have agents who go out of business or move out of the area, and no longer end up working with you. To ensure these agents don't receive promotional emails or too many mass emails, you can create a tag like the example below based on their last inspection date.

Inspection count - low

Not every agent is going to be a top producer. But all business is good business! If you have an agent who brings a few inspections a year, you can set up a tag like the example below based on the number of inspections they've done.

Inspection count -average

Some agents can fall in the middle of the pack. They bring in some steady business but aren't your top producers. You can create a tag like the example below based on the number of inspections they've done within a certain time frame.

Inspection count - high

Maybe you have an agent who brings in a lot of business, but their clients tend to book smaller services like stand-alone Mold inspections. They have a lot of inspections but aren't bringing in the most money. You can set up a tag like the example below based on the total number of inspections they've done.

Repeat Agent

You may want to see which agents have brought in repeat business recently. You can create a tag like the example below based on when their last inspection was.

New Agent

It's always good to know who your newest agents are, as they can potentially grow into long-term business partners. You can set up a tag like the example below based on when their first inspection was.

If you have any questions or feedback, write into our chat bubble or email!

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