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How to Default to V10 Reports

Using the V10 app by default on all inspections

Megan Lefebvre avatar
Written by Megan Lefebvre
Updated over a week ago

This article will guide you through the process of Defaulting to V10 with three convenient options. You can choose to enable it for a single inspection, on a per-inspection basis, or for all of your inspections. Check out our step-by-step guide and video tutorial for each option below to ensure that your report is easily accessible and prepared for V10. We're here to help make the transition as smooth as possible!

Before We Begin

Before we move forward, make sure you have the latest V10 App downloaded. If you need assistance, we have a helpful guide here that will walk you through the process step-by-step.

If you have an upcoming inspection that you would like to switch to V10, simply follow the instructions outlined in this article to easily convert it.

How to Enable V10 on a Single Inspection

We highly recommend enabling V10 for a single inspection as it allows you to have control over what reports are V10 reports. For instance, if you're interested in trying out a mock inspection on V10, this is the perfect opportunity. Simply follow the steps below to turn on this option and default to V10 for your next inspection.

🔴 This option is only available on the internal scheduler.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. From your dashboard, click "+ New Inspection."

  2. Complete the required inspection information.

  3. Scroll down and check the "Use V10 Reporting on this inspection"

  4. Click "Save"

Video Guide:

💡Quick tip: Click on the video above to expand it in another window.

How to Default to V10 Reporting through Settings.

This feature is especially useful for those who may need to switch back to Legacy for certain inspections. This will default the "Use V10 reporting on this inspection" to be toggled on, but gives you the flexibility to disable V10 reporting for specific inspections when scheduling internally.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. From your dashboard, click "Settings."

  2. Scroll down to "Report Options."

  3. Click "V10 Reporting."

  4. Click "Default to using V10 on every inspection."

  • When toggling on this setting, all future inspections that were V9 with reports that have not built yet will automatically change to V10 and all reports will be built as V10.

  • If you toggle this setting off, all future inspections that were V10 with reports that have not built yet will revert back to V9 and all reports will be built as V9.

✨ Keep in mind this is a company wide setting.

How to Default to V10 Reporting through Team Permissions

Are you considering a permanent move to V10? Would you like all of your scheduled inspections, whether set up internally or through the online scheduler, to be seamlessly transitioned to V10? If so, this is the section for you! Now, we will guide you through the process of ensuring that all of your future reports are scheduled for V10. Additionally, this option also allows you to enable this feature for specific team members. Let's dive in!

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. From your dashboard, click "Settings."

  2. Click "Team."

  3. Check "Default to V10" next to each inspector that is needing this enabled.

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  • This will ensure that each inspector with this permission toggled on will default to V10 inspections and reports.

🔴 The inspection and reports will be built as V10 as long as each inspector assigned to the inspection has this permission toggled on. If there is an inspector assigned without this setting toggled on you will still need to select "Use V10 reporting on this inspection" when scheduling.

Video Guide:

If you have any questions or feedback, write into our chat bubble or email!

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