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How to Use Custom Scheduling Fields

Keywords: options when scheduling, scheduling boxes, scheduling fields, optional or required fields

Jess Flake avatar
Written by Jess Flake
Updated over a week ago

Customize your scheduling process with optional or required fields, whether for your office staff or online scheduler. Optional fields offer flexibility for additional details, while required fields ensure essential information is provided upfront, streamlining the scheduling process.

We have just updated the configuration page for Custom Scheduling Fields (CSFs). The new experience cleans up the process of adding and/or editing your custom scheduling fields and sets the stage for upcoming enhancements to CSFs as well as the scheduling process in general.

NOTE: If you don't have any need to add to or edit your CSFs then you don't need to do anything as the functionality of the CSFs remains the same at this time.

Follow along with this article to see how you can create your own custom scheduling fields.

What's New with the Custom Scheduling Fields

  • With this update, you will now see a link at the bottom of Settings / Scheduling Options labeled Manage Custom Fields which will open a new page with all your custom fields.


  • On the new page, you will see an easy-to-read list of your CSFs and buttons to Add a CSF or Edit the order of the CSFs.

  • You are also able to quickly see where CSFs are displayed and whether or not they are required by hovering over the Additional settings indicator for any CSF.


  • Clicking on the 3 dot menu button for a CSF will provide options for editing, deleting, or copying the placeholder for the CSF.


How to Create a Custom Scheduling Field

Under your Scheduling Tools, you'll have the option to create your own custom fields. In this section, we'll show you how!

  1. Click "Settings"

  2. Click "Scheduling Options"

  3. Click "Manage Custom Fields"

  4. Click "Add Custom Field"

  5. Enter the name of your custom field

  6. Select your custom field type

  7. To make this a required field during scheduling, click "Required answer for Online Scheduler" to check the box

  8. To have this field displayed in the mobile app for inspectors, click "Display on Spectora app" to check the box

  9. To have this field displayed in the Online Scheduler or Get a Quote widget, click "Show in Online Scheduler or Get a Quote" to check the box

  10. Click "Save"

  11. Your new custom scheduling field will now show in your CSF list

What Each Custom Field Response Means

You'll be able to give your Custom Field a name and select the response format. Let's go over what each response type means.

  • Text - Allows the user to enter any text. This might be useful for "Lockbox Code" for example.

  • Number - Allows numeric input only. This might be used for "Number of Bedrooms" for example.

  • Checkbox - On/off. This might be used for "Is the property occupied?" or "Are utilities on?".

  • Calendar Icon- Gives options for N/A, Yes, or No and adds the icon of your choosing to the calendar based on the answer given. Once you create your Calendar Icon field, click Set Icon to choose.

  • Dropdown - Allows you to offer a fixed set of choices from which the user can pick one. This might be used for questions like "What kind of property is this?" with answers "Single Family, Multi-Family, Condo, Townhome, Commercial".

  • Paragraph- Allows you to enter a paragraph of texts/notes. These appear in the internal box on the Inspection Details page

  • Date- Pulls up a calendar to select the date of scheduling

  • Date and Time - Allows option to select the date and time of scheduling

Editing, Deleting & Copying Custom Field Info

  1. Click "Settings"

  2. Click "Scheduling Options"

  3. Click "Manage Custom Fields"

  4. To edit the order of your CSFs, click "Edit field order"

    1. Click the dots to the left of the field name, then drag & drop the field into your preferred order

    2. Click "Save order"

  5. To edit an existing custom field, click the 3 dots on the right

    1. Click "Edit field"

    2. Edit the name or display features of the field

    3. Click "Save"

  6. To delete a custom field, click the 3 dots to the right

    1. Then click "Delete" to delete the custom field

  7. To copy the placeholder for a custom field, click the 3 dots to the right

    1. Then click "Copy"

Where Do Custom Fields Show?

  • On the internal New Inspection form, your custom fields will show up in the "Miscellaneous" section:

  • In the Online Scheduler, these will show up on the first tab under "Additional Info":

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why can't I remove one of the custom fields from my list?

    • If you use a call center like ACC, there are some fields that are required by them for scheduling. Those cannot be removed.

  • I created a new custom field and I see the option to use the placeholder for it. What does the placeholder do?

    • The placeholder will automatically pull in the information for that field wherever you put the placeholder code. You can use it in your agreements, templates, emails, etc.

  • How do I change the field type for my custom scheduling field?

    • Unfortunately, it is not possible to change the field type of a custom scheduling field. Instead, you'll need to delete the existing custom field and create a new one with the preferred field type.

  • Why can't I change the field type for my custom scheduling field?

    • Each field type has specific coding that determines how it displays and functions. Changing the field type after it is created can cause significant display issues. To maintain functionality, field types cannot be changed or edited once created.

If you have any questions or feedback, write into our chat bubble or email!

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