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Converting Scheduled Inspections to Version 10
Converting Scheduled Inspections to Version 10

Keywords: Next Gen, V10, incompatible inspection, converting inspection, convert, new app, Version 10, not compatible, reinspec, re-inspec

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Written by Support Team
Updated over a week ago

Are you ready to dive into Version 10 but have inspections scheduled? You can easily convert those existing inspections over. Keep reading to see how!

If you're seeing a message in your V10 app stating "Incompatible Inspection," this means you're trying to access an inspection that was built for the older V9 (Legacy) app.

Inbox Spectora Intercom 2023-12-21 at 12.18.47 PM

This is because our two apps Version 9 (Legacy) and Version 10 are not cross-compatible, which means reports built for one app are not accessible in the other. Since V9 inspections are not compatible with the V10 app, in order to access that inspection in the V10 app, you'll need to convert it via the web.

🚨Warning: Converting inspections to V10 from the original Legacy format will require deleting any active reports on the inspection before converting and adding in a new report after converting, this includes reports containing any data.

It is recommended to only do this on inspections you have not started the report, have not entered any data yet, or have very little data entered that you don't mind losing!

How to Convert an Inspection to Version 10:

💡 Quick tip: Click on the video above to expand it in another window.

  1. Click on the inspection from your dashboard

  2. Click the 3 dots to the right of the report name

  3. Click "Delete"

  4. Click "Delete" to confirm

  5. Click "More" at the top of the page

  6. Click "Convert to V10 (NextGen)" in the dropdown menu

  7. Click "+New" in the Reports Box

  8. Select your template from the dropdown menu

  9. Click "Add Report"

🔴 The Convert to V10 option in the more drop-down menu will not show until the report(s) are deleted!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • I made a copy of an old report, and it's not showing up in my app. What's going on?

    • If the original report was done with the Version 9 (Legacy) app, and the copy is set for Version 10 (Next Gen), you won't be able to access it. Because the two apps are not cross-compatible, you can't have a Version 9 report copied over to a Version 10 inspection.

  • Why isn't my reinspection report showing up on the Version 10 app?

    • You'll want to double-check that the original report was done in Version 10 as well. If the original report was done with Version 9, you won't be able to create and access the reinspection report in Version 10. Reinspection reports need to use the same app as the original report.

  • I have a reinspection that I need to perform. I think the original report is on Version 10, but I want to switch back to Version 9. Can I switch this reinspection over to V9?

    • ​Unfortunately, you will have to complete the reinspection using the version that the original report was created with.

    • Once you've completed this reinspection though, our support team can help you convert any future inspections back to V9.

If you have any questions or feedback, write into our chat bubble or email!

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