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Spectora Advanced: Tasks Management

Our Tasks feature allows you to create and assign customizable tasks to anyone on your team. Use Tasks to stay on top of to-dos!

Written by Product Team
Updated over 3 months ago

Spectora Advanced now includes Task Management! Tasks can help you and your team stay on top of what needs to be done for each inspection.

What are Tasks you ask? Anything associated with an inspection that needs to be completed. This could be a confirmation task like confirming that a Radon Pick

Up was completed, or an inquiry task like a reminder to do a monthly reach out to your local agents! You can customize these tasks to fit your needs.

For a full tour, check out the video below from Josh, one of our Product Managers!

How to Find Your Tasks

You have a few options for getting to your new Tasks list

Tasks Icon in the header - This one also will have a red dot beside it if there are any due today or overdue tasks for you in your list!

Tasks in your user menu

Add it to your Nav Bar (via Settings)

Your Main Tasks List

Once you are on the Tasks page you will see any tasks that have been assigned to you:

  • Create a task by simply clicking "+ Add Task" in the top right.

  • Open/Edit a task by clicking Edit for a specific task. Here you make changes to the details of the task as well as change the status of the task by clicking Mark In Progress or Mark Complete. Note: Only those logged in as a company admin will be able to make changes to the Assign To field.

  • Comments can be added to a task and will show the date and the user leaving the comment for cases where a task may have several steps to complete or need additional context. These are located just below the description when you are in the Open/Edit screen for a task.

  • Deleting a task can be done if you are logged in as a company admin

  • View the Description without opening the task by hovering your mouse over the title

By default, completed tasks won't show in your list but you can adjust the filters if needed to see and/or re-open a completed task. Company admins will also be able to change the filters to see and make edits to all users' Tasks lists.

Tasks Options

Tasks Options gives the company admin(s) access to some additional settings for Tasks.

  • The Email Assignee option when selected will have the system automatically email the assignee the task when it is created. This can help make sure those staff that are not regularly in the web version of Spectora still keep up with assigned tasks. You can further refine this feature by selecting:

    • High Priority Tasks Only: Emails are only sent when the task is set to High Priority

    • Inspectors Only: Emails are only sent when the assignee is an inspector

  • The Send Summary option when selected will have the system automatically email assignees a summary of their non-completed tasks on a daily basis at the time you define. You can further refine this feature by selecting:

    • Weekdays Only: Summaries are only sent M-F

    • Inspectors Only: Summaries are only sent to inspectors

Tasks Widget for your Dashboard

You can (and probably should!) add the Tasks widget to your dashboard.

  • Click the + button

  • Scroll to Tasks and click the Add Widget button

  • Once added you will see Tasks assigned to you. It defaults to the Due (today) and Overdue tasks view but you can change that to see Tomorrow's tasks or All tasks

Inspection Associated Tasks

Besides just the main Tasks list you also will see an Associated Tasks box on the Inspection Details page.

  • Create a task associated to an inspection by clicking the + New button in this section. This will create a link in the task to the inspection details page which will be seen even in the general Tasks list.

  • Non-admin users will be able to see tasks associated with an inspection even if it is not assigned to them. They will not be able to make any changes to the details but will be able to add a comment if needed.

  • If a user is viewing the inspection-specific task from the primary Task list they will also see a link to the associated Inspection Details page.

Agent Associated Tasks

You also have the option for creating tasks directly associated with an Agent from any of your Agent profile pages.

  • Create a task associated with an Agent by clicking on the + Add Task button on the Agent profile page. This will create a link to the Agent profile which can be seen in the general Tasks list.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Are tasks visible in the mobile app?

    • Tasks currently do not show in the app for inspectors - but these can be found when logging in on the web!

If you have any questions or feedback, write into our chat bubble or email!

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