To ensure you're receiving your payments from clients, you'll want to make sure your Stripe account has your most up-to-date banking information. If you've recently gotten a new debit card or opened a new bank account, you can easily update your payment account in Stripe.
In this article, we'll show you step-by-step how to update your payment account!
Updating Your Payment Account
Click "Settings"
Click "Payments"
Click "Payout Settings"
You'll be redirected to your Stripe account. Click the Account icon in the top right.
Under Payout details, click "Spectora"
Click the βοΈ pencil icon next to your existing bank account
Update your bank account or debit card info
Note: You'll first be asked to verify your previous card information. If you don't have access to the card, select the option to verify your identity instead!
Click "Save"
Click "Done"
That's it! Now your payment deposits will go to your new debit card or bank account.
If you have any questions or feedback, write into our chat bubble or email!