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Spectora's Repair Request Builder

Agents can easily create repair request documents in Spectora! Ask for credit, repairs, and replacements in professional-looking lists.

Alannah Carroll avatar
Written by Alannah Carroll
Updated over a week ago

Agents are loving our Repair Request Builder!  Agents can quickly create professional-looking repair request lists from Spectora home inspection reports, adding their own requests for credit, repairs, replacements, or custom text.  The tool can also be used for project lists, fix-it lists, or any other addendum that requires certain defects with custom text.

Check out this video for a full walkthrough on how to use our Repair Request Builder!

How to Create a Repair Request

💡Quick tip: Click on the video above to expand it in another window.

  1. While viewing the web version of a published report, click "Report Tools" in the upper right corner

  2. Select "Repair Request Builder" from the drop-down menu

  3. In the upper left corner, edit the Document Name

  4. Click "Sort Document By" to change the sorting order of the repairs with the following options:

    1. Original Report Order

    2. Severity

    3. Category

    4. Recommendation

    5. Dollar Amount (Highest to Lowest)

    6. Dollar Amount (Lowest to Highest)

  5. Enter text to display at the top of the repair request

  6. Click on the checkboxes to select individual defects or click the "Select Visible Defects" button to select all defects

  7. Click "Credit" to add a requested credit amount for each defect

  8. Click "Comment" to add a comment for each defect, such as whether a repair or a replacement is desired

  9. Click "Preview" to preview the Repair Request if you would like to see what it looks like before sending

  10. Click "Create"

  11. Click "Email" or "Text Message" to send the Repair Request to recipients of your choosing

  12. Click "Done"

How to Edit a Repair Request

Once you've created a Repair Request, you may need to go back and make some changes. This might involve adding things you forgot or updating the items you initially selected. This section will guide you on how to edit your Repair Request.

💡Quick tip: Click on the video above to expand it in another window.

  1. Access the Repair Request via its original link

  2. Click the orange "Edit RRB" button in the lower right corner

  3. In the upper left corner, edit the Document Name

  4. Click "Sort Document By" to change the sorting order of the repairs with the following options:

    1. Original Report Order

    2. Severity

    3. Category

    4. Recommendation

    5. Dollar Amount (Highest to Lowest)

    6. Dollar Amount (Lowest to Highest)

  5. Enter or edit text to display at the top of the repair request

  6. Click on the checkboxes to select individual defects or click the "Select Visible Defects" button to select all defects

  7. Click "Credit" to add or change a requested credit amount for each defect

  8. Click "Comment" to add or change a comment for each defect, such as whether a repair or a replacement is desired

  9. Click "Preview" to preview the Repair Request if you would like to see what it looks like before sending

  10. Click "Create." This will generate a new Repair Request with a new link

  11. Click "Email" or "Text Message" to send the edited Repair Request to recipients of your choosing

  12. Click "Done"

How to Print a Repair Request

Printing a Repair Request is a simple process that can be done in just a few steps. This section will guide you through it.

💡Quick tip: Click on the video above to expand it in another window.

  1. Access the Repair Request via its original link or the RRB Log

  2. Click the blue "View as PDF" button in the lower right corner

  3. Click your browser's print button. This is usually located in the upper right corner but its location can vary depending on your browser.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can a Repair Request be deleted?

    • Not at this time, but you can add your vote to this feature request if you'd like to see this added in the future!

  • If I make a copy of a report, will the Repair Request copy along with it?

    • No, it will not.

  • Is there a place where I can view all of the Repair Requests from an inspection

    • Inspectors and clients can both see a list of all the Repair Requests related to an inspection. Clients can see this list in their client portal, while inspectors can find it on their inspection details page—more details can be found in this article.

    • Agents, however, don’t have a list to refer to and will need to keep track of each link they create or ask the client or inspector to send it to them.

  • I had an agent ask me if there was an option for them to add notes to the inspection report. Is this possible?

    • Unfortunately not. But with the Repair Request Builder, agents can add notes or comments to each defect they select in the builder.

If you have any questions about this or other parts of Spectora, write into our chat bubble or email!

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