Are you wanting to find out more about charges or withdrawals from your account? It's important to understand these transactions to help you manage your finances, spot any errors, and make sure your records are up to date. In this article, we'll show you how to easily locate and review detailed information about charges and withdrawals. Whether you're trying to confirm a recent purchase, check for any unauthorized transactions, or just keep your accounts in order, we're here to help. Follow our simple instructions to get a better understanding of your financial activities and stay on top of your money.
Withdrawals for Refunds
When a payment is refunded to the client, it will show as a negative amount in your Payouts. In this section, we'll show you how to view the refund withdrawals.
Click "Settings"
Click "Payments"
Click "Payouts"
Your payouts will show on this screen
A negative amount indicates a refund
Click "View included payments"
Payments will show in the payouts list
Each payout will be noted as refunds, refund fees, or payments
❇️ Note: Refunds to clients can take 5-10 business days depending on their bank
Withdrawals for Failed ACH Payments
If your client made a payment via ACH (bank transfer) and the payment fails, the funds will be deducted from your account and sent back to the client. The way ACH payments work is similar to checks in the sense that your bank will make funds available to you within 1-2 business days, but it usually takes up to 4 business days for them to fully process. Because of this payment process, the funds are removed from your account when the payment fails. In this section, we'll show you how to view a failed ACH payment.
Click "Settings"
Click "Payments"
Click "Payouts"
You will see a negative amount for the failed payment
Click the Payout ID to see the inspection payment that failed
Click the inspection address to view the Inspection Details page
Click the 3 dots in the Fees & Payments box
Click "Edit Fees & Payments"
The payment will show as "Bank Transfer/spectora - failed"
Charges & Pending Payouts
From your Spectora account, you can easily navigate to your Stripe account to see pending payouts, refunds, and charges for refunds or failed payment fees.
Click "Settings"
Click "Payments"
Click "Payout Settings"
You will be redirected to your Stripe Express account
Any withdrawals for failed payments will show as "Refund" in your Stripe transactions
❇️ For more information on how to see pending payouts, click here! ❇️
If you have any questions or feedback, write into our chat bubble or email!