Team inspections in Spectora's V10 (aka NextGen) platform are designed to streamline collaboration between multiple inspectors. Whether you're using different devices or working in separate areas, this feature makes teamwork seamless.
A team inspection is any inspection where you have two or more inspectors working on the inspection, often at the same time.
For example, one inspector can be using a phone while inspecting the roof or the crawlspace and the other might be using a tablet while inspecting the house. Teamwork!
Here's everything you need to know!
🔴 Please note that while one individual using the same login on two devices is permitted, sharing logins between multiple individuals is against our Terms of Use and may result in bugs/issues! Read more here.
Scheduling & Assigning Multiple Inspectors
Inspectors can easily be assigned during scheduling or added later, and all data is automatically synced between devices.
Scheduling Multiple Inspectors
Adding an Additional Inspector
Data Merging/Syncing
Each inspector assigned to an order will see the inspection in their mobile dashboard and have access to the report. When each inspector/device saves, the data will merge together. Here are a few rules to ensure seamless data merging:
Data added while working online automatically sends to the web 3 seconds after inputting the data
When working offline, data is stored locally in a folder called "sync status". It sends as soon as the device is connected to the web as long as the app is open.
Inspectors will be notified if they have unsaved data in the app when it is not open. As soon as they open the app on a connected device it will begin to save.
Tips for Team Inspections
It's recommended to have each inspector focus on different sections of the report.
This helps ensure that Inspector B won't accidentally uncheck an important comment or defect that Inspector A selected.
If both inspectors fill out the same section, the data will merge together when both inspectors sync.
We use what's called change sets to track data entered in the app. These changesets capture the data in real time.
If both inspectors fill out the same section and sync their apps, their data will merge together on the web.
As the devices are syncing, you'll see the data that was changed first shown on the web report first. The second inspector's data will then be shown after.
Team inspections are a great way to improve efficiency and train specialization for multi-inspector companies, and V10 makes this process easier than ever! Using multiple devices is a great way to enhance safety by using smaller devices when a free hand is needed, or to take advantage of larger screen devices when showing clients/agents their major issues.
If you have any questions or feedback, write into our chat bubble or email!