Emails are an important part of the inspection process. They let your client know their appointment is confirmed, remind them to make their payments, notify them that the report is ready, and more!
You can easily customize your Automation emails to include whatever verbiage you'd like. In this article, we'll show you how to edit these emails to make them perfect for you.
The Automations Tab
Before we get into editing our Automation emails, let's go over what we'll find in the Automations tab. At the very top, you'll see four options. These will show sent and waiting to be sent emails and text messages.
Email Queue
These are emails scheduled to be sent for each of your inspections.
Think of it like a line of people waiting to enter an event - there's an orderly line and everyone waits their turn to enter. It's first come, first serve, so inspections scheduled first thing in the morning will have their emails sent out before any inspections scheduled later in the afternoon.
Emails Sent
These are emails that have already been sent out to your clients or agents.
You can confirm which emails have been sent or delivered here.
If there was an issue sending an email, this tab will show you any associated error messages.
Texts Queue
Just like emails, texts form a queue for sending. This is where the texts "wait" before they are sent and delivered to the recipient.
Texts Sent
This is where the sent texts will be.
You can see if a text was successfully sent or delivered here.
Next, you'll see the "types" of emails & texts included in our base software. Each of these can be enabled to send an email or text message to the client and the client's agent.
You guessed it - these are going to be your scheduling confirmation emails.
If a client needs to reschedule an inspection, you can create a custom email that confirms the new date/time of the appointment.
Just like the Rescheduling emails, the Cancellation emails send an email to the client/agent when an inspection is canceled.
Inspection Agreements & Fees
This allows your client to be automatically notified any time a new agreement or fee is added to the inspection.
Pre-Inspection (Client, Client's Agent, Listing Agent)
These options allow you to set up reminders for the upcoming inspection.
You can use these to remind the client to pay or sign their agreements, remind the listing agent what time you'll be arriving, and more.
This is the notification sent to the client (and the client's agent if you choose) to let them know their inspection report is ready to view.
Post-Inspection (Client, Client's Agent, Listing Agent)
This allows you to send follow-up emails to each of the recipients.
You can use these to thank the client for their business or ask for a review from the agent.
Now we can move on to customizing our emails!
Customizing Your Automation Emails
Click "Automation" in your Navigation Bar
Click on one of the headings
Enable which emails or texts you'd like to use
Click "Edit Template" to customize that specific email
Enter a subject line
Edit the body of the email
Utilize the placeholders on the right to automatically pull info into the emails
Click "Save Email Template"
🌟 Pro-tip: You can add a placeholder like {{ADDRESS}} into the subject line of your emails. This helps the emails go to the recipient's inbox and not to spam.
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I preview or test my emails?
Currently, the only way to do this is to set up a mock inspection with yourself as the client and/or agents. If you'd like us to add an easier way to do this in the future, you can add your vote to the feature request here!
Can I customize the text messages that are sent to my clients & agents?
In order to customize text messages, you'll need a custom phone number. There are a lot of regulations in place from the major telecom companies, and a custom phone number is required to send custom text messages. For more information, click here.
Can I include payment instructions or information in my emails?
Absolutely! You can include any information you'd like.
Can I attach PDFs to my automation emails?
It is not possible to attach PDFs to email when using Automations. It is possible with Actions, a feature included with Spectora Advanced!
My emails are going to spam! What do I do?
Don't panic, we have some tips and tricks you can try! Check them out here.
If you have any questions or feedback, write into our chat bubble or email!