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Adding Text to Your Report Header
Adding Text to Your Report Header

Keywords: Disclaimers, header, header text, report header, text, personalize text, personalized verbiage, wording, wordage

Jess Flake avatar
Written by Jess Flake
Updated over 3 months ago

You may need or want to add a disclaimer to your reports, provide vital information about the inspection process to your clients, or you may want to add some personalized wording to the completed inspection report that the client sees.

The header text box allows you to add any additional text to the top of your reports. This article will show you step-by-step how to add a disclaimer to your reports.

Check out this video to see the full process!

Adding Text to Your Header in the Template

Adding text to the Header in your template is a great way to provide important information or state regulations to your clients. In this section, you'll see how to add text to the Header in your template.

💡 Quick tip: Click on the video above to expand it in another window.

  1. Click "Templates"

  2. Click "My Templates"

  3. Select your template from the dropdown menu

  4. Click the 3 dots on the right

  5. Click "Template Settings"

  6. Click "Header Text"

  7. Add a disclaimer or any important information to the "Full Report Header Text" box

    1. This information will show on the full web report and the full PDF report

  8. Add any information to the "Summary Header Text" box to have it show on your Summary Report

    1. The Summary Header text will show on the web summary report and the PDF summary report

  9. Click "Save"

Adding Text to Your Header in an Existing Report

You may need to add, remove, or edit text from your Header after you've already started an inspection. In this section, you'll see how to edit the Header text on an existing inspection report.

💡 Quick tip: Click on the video above to expand it in another window.

  1. Click on the inspection from your dashboard

  2. Click "Edit" below the report name

  3. Click the 3 dots in the right corner

  4. Click "Report Settings"

  5. Click "Header Text"

  6. Add or edit any important information to the "Full Report Header Text" box

    1. This information will show on the full web report and the full PDF report

  7. Add any information to the "Summary Header Text" box to have it show on your Summary Report

    1. The Summary Header text will show on the web summary report and the PDF summary report

  8. Click "Save"

How Does The Header Text Show on My Report?

On The Web

  • The Header text will show on the final web report at the top:

    5894 Gaspar Cir S my-inspection-company-f98ce449df 2024-01-17 at 3.54.48 PM

  • On the web Summary, the Header text will show at the top:

    5894 Gaspar Cir S my-inspection-company-f98ce449df 2024-01-17 at 3.55.01 PM

On the PDF:

  • The full PDF report will show the Header text directly after the table of contents:

    5894_Gaspar_Cir_S___Friendly_Display_Name.pdf 2024-01-17 at 3.55.24 PM

  • On the Summary PDF, the Header text will show at the top:

    5894_Gaspar_Cir_S___Friendly_Display_Name.pdf 2024-01-17 at 3.55.42 PM

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is there a way to put a cover letter in a particular report?

    • Unfortunately, it's not possible to add a full cover letter to reports. But the header text box allows you to add any clarifying information needed at the right at the beginning of your reports!

    • If you absolutely need a cover page/letter, you'll need to create one in an outside software like Adobe and add it to the inspection as an additional document. To see how to add an additional document, click here.

  • How can I align images in my Header Text?

    • In both the report and the template Header Text, click on the image and use the drop-down menu that appears below it to align the image. The center alignment says "None" but once clicked will work! Below is an example:

      Spectora Template Editor 2024-11-06 at 9.09.40 AM

If you have any questions or feedback, write into our chat bubble or email!

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