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How to Integrate with Repair Pricer

Clients and agents need repair estimates to negotiate with the seller. Save them time and add value to your offering with Repair Pricer!

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Written by Support Team
Updated over a week ago

Repair Pricer turns any inspection report into an accurate repair estimate. Give your clients and agents defect pricing data to negotiate with the seller!

What is Repair Pricer?

Repair Pricer makes it easy to turn any home inspection report into a highly accurate repair estimate. This can reduce your chances of being held liable while improving customer and agent satisfaction.

Your Spectora report makes it easy to pull Repair Pricer data & combine findings with accurate repair cost estimates.

We recommend offering Repair Pricer Reports as a package option or add-on service to help increase revenue and boost referrals.

This powerful tool requires a little bit of setup to roll out effectively, so please make sure you connect with the Repair Pricer team before enabling the integration.

Pricing per report varies from $25-$47.99 for inspectors, and retails to consumers for $70-$100, offering plenty of opportunity to increase profits per inspection.

Watch the video below to learn more about Repair Pricer!

How to Integrate with Repair Pricer

πŸ’‘ Quick tip: Click on the video above to expand it in another window.

  1. Click "Settings"

  2. Click "System Integrations"

  3. Click "Enable"

  4. Set up a Repair Pricer account and complete your onboarding with their team:

  5. Enter the Inspector ID (provided by Repair Pricer)

  6. Select who you want to receive notifications once the repair estimate has been added

  7. Create your email subject and body

  8. Click "Enable Repair Pricer"

  9. You'll be redirected to "Services & Fees". Within each service, you'll see a new option to select which templates will default to be sent to Repair Pricer upon publishing

    1. The template selected in Integrations above (in the red box) should match one of the templates (if you have more than 1) in that service.

      1. Ex: If you have a Gold package that includes a Residential template, mold template, and thermal template - then you'll want the Residential template selected in the RepairPricer integration since you don't want all 3 going to RepairPricer.

Repair Pricer Inspections

  • You'll know a report is flagged to be sent to Repair Pricer on the Inspection Details page by seeing the Repair Pricer logo by its name:


  • When this report gets published, we'll automatically submit it to Repair Pricer.

  • Once Repair Pricer returns an estimate report it will automatically show up as an attached report in Inspection Details:

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What if I want to send a one-off report to Repair Pricer?

    No problem! Just click on the (...) and enable it! On publishing, it will be sent to RepairPricer.


  • What if I already published the report? How do I send it?

    Same way! Except the button will say "Send to Repair Pricer


  • The client changed their mind. How do I not send it to Repair Pricer?

    You guessed it. The same place! Just click disable.


If you have any questions or feedback, write into our chat bubble or email!

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