Spectora now integrates with InterNACHI's Buy Back Guarantee! You can enable this per-inspection or set up defaults for certain services to always use it on publish.
How to Enable the BuyBack Integration
Visit Settings->System Integrations and click "Enable" next to InterNACHI BuyBack:
Log in to your InterNACHI account and accept the permissions.
Go to Settings->Services and Fees and select which services you want to default to use the guarantee.
BuyBack Program Inspections
New Inspections:
Existing Inspections
We hope this integration helps you better market your business and gives you peace of mind!
✨ You can reach out to InterNACHI at email: fastreply@internachi.org for any questions or concerns with anything on their end. Be sure to include "InterNACHI" in the subject line.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why am I seeing that there was an error submitting to InterNACHI?
If you're seeing that error, you can click the red "Click Here to learn more" to expand what that error may be:
Typically, this is due to a payment method error on the InterNACHI side, you can navigate to https://www.nachi.org/my/buyback-guarantees/settings while logged into your InterNACHI account to update your payment method to fix this error. Once that is updated, you can click the orange "resubmit to InterNACHI" button to resubmit.
If you have any questions or feedback, write into our chat bubble or email support@spectora.com!