Whether you have a state-specific report or just want your signature to show on your report, adding a signature to your profile will automatically pull it into the report for you!
In this article, we'll show you how to add and remove your signature from your profile, as well as how to add it to a report.
Adding Your Signature to Your Account:
In order for your signature to show on any report, you'll first need to create a digital signature and add it to your profile. We usually recommend Signwell, it's free and easy to use! In this section, we'll show you how to create your digital signature and add it to your account.
On Signwell.com, choose how you would like to create your signature - Draw or Type
Draw or type your full name in the signature box
Click "Continue"
Select which signature you would like to use
Choose your slant level and color, then click "Save"
Enable "transparent background" for your signature file
Click "Download"
In your Spectora account, click "Settings"
Click "Team"
Click on your name
Click "Choose File" below your profile picture
Select the photo file from your computer
Click "Save"
You'll see your new signature in your profile
🌟 Note: Your signature file format must be in PNG or JPG🌟
Remove Your Signature From Your Account
If you're looking to change up your signature, or no longer need it listed on your reports, you can easily remove it from your profile. In this section, we'll show you have to remove the signature from your account.
Click "Settings"
Click "Team"
Click on your name
Click the "X" to the right of signature
Click "Save"
Adding Your Signature to Your Reports
Once you've added your signature to your profile, you can easily set up your reports to automatically show it! In this section, we'll show you how to enable the setting to add your signature to your reports.
Click "Templates"
Click "My Templates"
Select your template from the dropdown menu
Click the 3 dots on the right
Click "Template Settings" in the dropdown menu
Click "Display Options"
Click "Display Inspector Signature" to enable
Click "Save"
Your signature will display with your information on the web report
Your signature will also appear with your information on the PDF report
Adding Your Signature Inside a Report
If you'd prefer to have your signature shown inside the report, you can easily create a comment for it. We usually recommend creating a checkbox comment in your template and then adding the {{INSPECTOR_SIGNATURE}} placeholder inside. In this section, we'll show you how to add your signature to a comment inside of the reports.
Click "Templates"
Click "My Templates"
Select your template from the dropdown menu
Create a checkbox comment
Enter the {{INSPECTOR_SIGNATURE}} placeholder to the default text box
Your signature will show inside the report
Adding Your Signature to Special Forms:
Most special forms are already coded to automatically bring the signature in from your profile if they require one.
Florida Uniform Mitigation Form:
Florida Citizen's 4-Point Form:
Florida Citizen's Roof Inspection Form:
❇️ Note: Not all special forms require a signature. If you don't see a spot for a signature on the report, then it does not require one. It's not recommended to add a signature comment on special forms, as that could interfere with the coding of the form and break the specialized output.
If you have any questions or feedback, write into our chat bubble or email support@spectora.com!