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Template: Breakdown of Informational Comment Answer Types
Template: Breakdown of Informational Comment Answer Types

Learn about each comment type and how they work in your template/report.

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Written by Support Team
Updated over 4 months ago

For Informational and Limitation Comments, you have the option to select the answer format in the template. This is helpful for specializing your comments based on the types of data needed. We will go through each answer format in this article.


Checkbox-type comments will appear in the report as long as the box is checked.

Here's how it looks in the editor:

Default to Checked

Do you want your comment to show up on every report without you having to check the box? In your Template, you can click the "Default to Checked?" checkbox to ensure it displays on every report.

Multiple Choice

Multiple Choice type comments provide you with options to choose from. When you select one of these options (Example: Aluminum), only that option will show up on the report.

Here's how it looks in the editor:

Here's how it looks in the final report:

If you select a multiple-choice option (like Aluminum above) or a Yes/No checkbox option on your template, this will cause it to show as checked on every report built from that template.


Date-type comments include a drop-down to select the date. If no date is selected, this comment will not show up on the final report.

Here's how it looks on the editor when selecting a date:


Number-type comments are meant for numbers only. There must be at least one number input in order for the comment to show on the report.

Here's how it looks on the editor:

Numeric Range

Numeric Range type comments are meant for a range of numbers. You cannot type any letters in numeric range comments. These comments will not show up on the final report unless there is a number typed into both fields.

Here's how this looks on the report editor:


Signature type comments are meant to collect a physical signature from the client onsite. This is not typically used in place of an agreement, since clients can sign agreements from your device on the app as well!

This comment will not show up on the final report unless you collect a signature.

Here's how this looks on the app:


Text-type comments must have something physically typed on the line in order to show up on the report.

Unless something is typed on this line, this comment will not show up on the final report.

Here's how it looks on the editor:

See Kevin give an overview of each of these comments in this video!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why are my Sections not turning green/checked?

    • Each informational comment requires an answer to be input in order for the Section to show green/checked. Make sure you check that all of your informational comments have an answer!

  • Why am I not able to publish my report?

    • You likely have the setting "Require completion to publish" enabled on your account. You can find this in Settings > Report Tools (under Report Options):

    • Again you'll want to check that all informational comments have an answer and that all sections are showing completed before you can publish if this setting is enabled! You can always disable or re-enable this setting.

  • Why can't I change my comment type?

    • Once a comment has been created you cannot change the comment type. If a different comment type is needed you'll have to create a new comment.

    • You cannot have different answer types for Defect comments.

✨ Keep in mind - if there is not an Item and Comment within a Section, that Section will not turn green/show completed and will not be included in the report!

If you have any questions or feedback, write into our chat bubble or email!

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