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How to Integrate with MailChimp

MailChimp helps you do email marketing. Our integration can keep your Spectora contacts synced with your MailChimp account, saving you time.

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Written by Support Team
Updated over a week ago

Mailchimp is a marketing automation platform for sending mass emails.  It can help you create beautiful emails, track open/click rates, and keep your contact lists clean. Our integration syncs your contacts (clients and agents) with Mailchimp's lists.

Note: Your Mailchimp account must be a paid account in order to integrate with Spectora.

How to Integrate with MailChimp

  1. Create an API key in MailChimp by going to Account->Extras->API Keys->Create a Key:

  2. In Spectora, go to Settings > Company Settings > Integrations and click "Enable":

  3. Copy and paste your API Key in, being careful not to include extra spaces before or after:

  4. Click "Verify" to confirm the API key is correct.  Then simply enable the integration!

  5. Within a few minutes, you'll see a couple of new lists in your MailChimp account: Clients and Agents:

    1. Agents also have a group type called "Agent Type" assigned to them, allowing you to target only Client's Agents or Listing Agents for example:

For any inspections you schedule in the future, the integration will automatically add new agents and clients to your MailChimp lists within minutes. You'll always have the latest email list at your fingertips!

We hope our MailChimp integration gives you yet another tool to grow your business by reaching out directly to agents and clients. MailChimp has a rich feature set to explore, so be sure to dig deeper on their site to better understand all the options you have!

*Important if you have a paid MailChimp account*

MailChimp is free for up to 2,000 contacts, but only paid accounts will work for the integration. Then, the prices start at $30 per month, depending on the number of contacts you have in your account. Integration will increase the number of contacts and may cause your monthly rate to go up.

If you already had lists set up in MailChimp prior to integration, you might want to check that there aren't any duplicate emails after the first initial sync. Here's a helpful article to check for any duplicate contacts. If you do find duplicates, just keep them in your new synced lists. You'll want to delete them from your old lists. It's always best practice to save a backup of any contacts before deleting them from your account, just in case. Here's how to view or export a list.

If you have any questions or feedback, write into our chat bubble or email!

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