Infographic Depicting What's Included in a Home Inspection
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<p>A home is the biggest purchase most people will ever make, and a home inspection is always recommended before buying a home. It’s important to realize the condition of your investment. <br><br>
While some little quirks may be nothing to worry about, there may be more serious issues that only a professional home inspector can assess.
A large part of surviving the home inspection is understanding what is and what isn't included. Here’s a helpful infographic that shows you what’s covered in a home inspection.</p>
<div><p><a href=""><img src="" alt="What is included in a home inspection?"></a></p></div><br />What's Included in a Home Inspection – An infographic by <a href="">Spectora</a>
Note: We also have versions that include built-in appliances and pools.
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