How to Delete a Report from an Inspection

How to remove or delete a report from your inspection.

Stephanie Woodward avatar
Written by Stephanie Woodward
Updated over a week ago

Has an incorrect or wrong template been included in your inspection? Do you require assistance in removing or deleting the report from your inspection? Are you seeing a duplicate report or template? Simply follow these instructions on how to easily remove a report from your inspection.

How to Remove a Report through the Web Editor

πŸ’‘Quick tip: Click on the video above to expand it in another window.

  1. Click the 3 dots next to the report.

  2. Click "Delete."

  3. Confirm the deletion by clicking "Delete."

How to Remove a Report through the App

Note: You must have an internet connection to remove a report from an inspection through the app.

πŸ’‘Quick tip: Click on the video above to expand it in another window.

  1. Click on the Inspection.

  2. Click the wrench icon located at the top.

  3. Click "View on the Web."

  4. Click the 3 dots next to the report.

  5. Select "Delete."

  6. Confirm by selecting "Delete" again.


  • I accidentally deleted the wrong report; how can I undo this?

    No worries! You can undelete a report by following the instructions in this article.

  • I already started the report; can I copy information from one report to a different report?

    Unfortunately, no. At this time, we don't have the ability to copy information from one report into another. You would need to manually reenter this information.

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